The Wheel of Time
Title Sequence

Designed at Imaginary Forces (2021)
Role: Illustrator, and Designer

When showrunner Rafe Judkins tasked us with designing the main title sequence for the fantasy series, we embraced weaving themes of magic and matriarchy into the opening. Beginning with the dramatic breaking of the world, a single horizon strand fractures into jewel-toned threads that intertwine on a cosmic loom. My role was to create illustrations for all seven Ajahs of the female Aes Sedai, each featuring unique patterns that reflect their distinct styles. The sequence culminates in our reimagined logo: an eternal serpent spiral, symbolizing the timeless cycle of fate.

More: here:

creative director: karin fong
designers/animators: russ gautier, henry chang, jake ferguson
designers: brandon savoy, frederic colin animators: danil krivoruchko, merrill hall, brandon leste editor: zach kilro compositor: martin karlsson flame artist: rod basham
logotype designer: isabell hacker
illustrator: ella le, design intern: ailis o’reilly, producer: renee robson
development producer: rachael, cohen, coordinator: jake kirk