Joshua Beer
Packaging and Brand Identity
Personal project (2021)
Role: Illustrator, and Brand Designer
Team: Kevin Yoon, and Peace Park
Joshua Beer is a new crisp California lager brewed with love from Joshua Tree, California.
I embarked on this self-initiated project with two friends who share a deep appreciation for beer. We referenced Joshua Tree National Park as a point of inspiration and created a beer identity revolving around it.
The logo’s form is inspired by the park’s iconic boulder formations, while the color scheme is a reflection of the sandy and gravelly grounds. We paired the identity with playful illustrations that add a lighthearted and fun personality to the beer’s identity. Cheers, salud!

We carefully chose the Joshua tree’s iconic objects from each category to emphasize Joshua beer identity. Also, we tried different brush textures to find a perfect match with the Joshua Beer type logo.